Relationship Management

Uncategorized Jul 25, 2020
Well I have to catch you up real quick! I had hoped to start our Facebook lives; however, my daughter (who is 16 and had major knee surgery in late May) had a rather extensive rehab, so I had to put it on standby. Great news - she has made great progress and has begun to enjoy the summer (stay-cation anyone).

We planted flowers on the backyard yesterday after I finished a day of teleconferences, email responses and a resume project. While we were out there and she asked me, "How has your day been?"

I thought for a moment, recalling all the times I had to help her into bed and out of bed, bring food to her and help her put on her shoes (like she was 1 1/2 again), and I said, "My day was great!"

Seeing her there standing in her knee brace, scars slightly starting to fade, and a huge smile on her face as she felt the breeze - life is great. 

Had I not had started my resume business, and pre-Covid, I would have not been able to take that much time off, or at least not comfortably. I would not be planting flowers on a Friday afternoon after having spent most of the day on the phone. 

Yes, I spent most of my day chatting with prospective clients and current clients on the phone from roughly 9am to about 3pm with breaks for lunch, to let our dog Winter out and back in again, and make lunch for us girls - we have an 11 year old daughter Jada who consumes Animal Crossing (if you haven't heard of it - well, maybe for another time). 

If your the slight bit curious - visit my blog and find out why I was on the phone most of the day...

You left off here: Why was I on the phone all day? 

I was working in my business. A resume business is NOT all about writing resumes, in fact, a good portion of my time is spent talking with clients about THEIR lives, their Pain Points, their struggles, accomplishments, hopes and dreams. Honestly, it is one of my favorite parts of my business.

If you like people and you like to talk - and listen - this may just become a favorite part for you as well. I had 3 scheduled calls in the morning - first, to talk with a previous client about a resume update, second, to talk with a flight therapist about a promotional opportunity, third call was to talk with a client about how to modify his resume and I answered a call that came in from Robert (name change) about his current position and how he was beginning to see 'the writing on the wall' for the corporate culture shift - he chose to order a Platinum Package. I also talked with two other callers who just wanted information, to find out prices, and to shop around. But, I did talk with them and find out how I could help.

So today, was a relationship day. Today, I listened more than I talked (not a natural skill for me - if you've ever talked with me), and I made connections. 

Successful business is about connections.
Successful business is about building the know, like and trust factor.
Successful business is about feeling assured, respected, and listened to.

Yes, I did make money - and I cover exactly how you make money in this business in the Resume Business Starter Course (The Founding Member pricing is gone, however, you can still grab the Early Bird Pricing by clicking below.)

Just like sitting on the patio with both my daughters after we had arranged the flowers according to the color wheel (I have artists), enjoying our relationship, you should enjoy the relationships you cultivate in your business. 

Building relationships that ensure that your clients come back to you to help them get more interviews, get promotions, and secure jobs is what relationship management does for you. 

 Relationship management is a strategy in which an organization maintains an ongoing level of engagement with its audience. Learn more about successful relationship management inside the Resume Business Starter Course.

Click here to learn more about the Resume Business Starter Course that launches in August and to get your Early Bird Pricing 



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